Your opinon will be greatly appreciated and any personal info given here will be treated with the
utmost confidentiality, as a matter of fact it will probably be thrown in the trash.
To mean mouth the artist send EMAIL to
the address below.
The following are out of country web sites.
If you go I hope you can speak the lanquage.
. -
If after you have built a site using Lycos.Tripod,
then you can start to register it to directories using some of the following search engines. For some strange reason
Lycos wants you to build a site using Tripod but they don't care if you ever get known afterwards. Oh well. It's kind
of funny I'm listed in a lot of places except where I built this site at. is a good
way to automate register to some directories although whether you actually get listed is another question. Google
will get around to you shortly as will Yahoo. You can start at these directories for a much quicker start.
To see lots of other fantasy art and artist see Elfwoods link below. So if you go, we'll probably never meet
again. Oh, and I'm not responsible for any of their content.
But before you go I want to say
it's not easy being sleezy.
If you were wanting to see a more refined style of ART,
ARTIST AND ART GALLERIES , the following are the directories of some fine Art directories.
World Wide arts resources.
An Art School
To create your own web page easly and free.
go to the this web site. you'll not regret it.
Another Web Site Builder and Host for free.
The Major Search engines